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what is the next tier?
Fast Learning Curve
No one knows everything. However, the vast experience of
Nextier's PMs allows more rapid understanding of business
processes, applications and technologies.
Success is in the Details
Successful projects require many small details to be worked out.
It is critical for the PM to be aware of these details in order
for them to be successfully resolved.
Project Management is More Than the Sum of the Tools
Project Managment must focus on the human resources.
The SUMMIT methodology insures this focus.
What does mountaineering have to do with Project Management? To be successful in both, you need the right tools, a well thought out plan and a good guide.
public safety focus
Project Management requires a focus in the form of specific applications. One our most successful focus areas is in Public Safety.
In order to manage projects effectively, you have to have an intimate understanding of the tools.
"Nextier was able to break down a major project into a few key issues we could quickly absorb. Recommendation followed that allowed us to reach our most important goals."

VP Engineering
Archiving, INC.
"Nextier said they would get our Inmate Management System back on track. We implemented when planned and on budget."

County Sheriff Department
SUMMIT methodology
SUMMIT has all the components you would expect in a world class methodology. What sets it apart is the focus, attention to details, with an emphasis on people not just technology.
case studies
County Sheriff
Inmate Management System
rescue. Inmates treated to
state of the art hotel management.
Archiving, Inc. project assessment
allows company to meet 4th
quarter revenue goals.
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